


3. The first written records about the village

The first written records about the village date in 1289. The name of the village was derived from a personal name Obus or Obuš. The village has been developed from an older estate. Later it belonged to the manor of Abovs from Drienov. Gradually the name changed to Abos, Abows and from 1920 to Obyšovce firstly and later to Obišovce. Wonderful and strategic location of the village has attracted the older civilisations, evidenced by the rich historical, but all above rare archeological findings.
After the Tatars’ plundering the village was populated again. Its population has been occuppied with mining, which was kept there even in the 15th century. In the surroundings there are old entrances into the mining pits, but also the fractions of the ores. The main source of living was cultivating of earth and the carrying-trade. The village was hopefully evolving till the pestilence epidemic in 1645. It was almost depopulated, but after the situation in Hungary has quieted down and after the defeat of the last uprising of the peasants in the beginning of 18th century, it acquired the importance again. The construction of the railway-track between Košice and Prešov in 1870 contributed to the ennoblement of the village. It is interesting, that the name of the existing railway junction in Kysak in the first half of the twentieth century was Obišovce. We can also count three mills in the history of the village, the mention of the first is from 1370 and the last one was milling in 1970 yet.